Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to be a Trophy Wife: Trophy Wife at Work

Dearest Trophy:
Recently on twitter I saw a few comments from hard working ladies saying they wanted to stop working so hard and become a "Trophy Wife". post ex.Statistics nearly killed me ...can't I just drop out and become a trophy wife?
Hi from EL -  Putting the Trophy Wife Diet to Work

My reply living Trophy can be fun as you are creating the life you love but as any "housewife" (yes I said the H word) can tell you. It can also be hard work!
Your No 1 job is keeping Mr. Trophy Happy (and possibly children) - this can be easy or hard depending on the ideas He brings to the relationship. So to the coed who wants to drop out of school , my advice finish!  Taking care of Mr. Trophy is going to be similar yet harder than listening to a 3 hour lecture from the most boring professor and trying to look alert and interested while sitting in the front row.

And your No 2 job is taking care of you!  For many women this is a hard task. Harder than taking care of the kids, Mr. Trophy, the house, their job...even the dog comes before them! We say things like I don't have time to fuss and pamper myself. I don't like makeup! I hate exercise! It's easier to grab something quick from McD's than cook.
Well living as a Trophy wife means making the time. Especially for your well being. There is a reason they tell you on the airplane when pressure hits put your mask on first before helping others. You have to be together to help everyone else effectively. 

I admit there are days when I just want to ponytail it and put on baggy sweats (a big no no for Trophy lifestyle, I cheat by wearing yoga pants and cute matching top), but then I remember that a little extra effort makes a difference in how we are treated in the world.  In any environment you are are primarily judged first on how you look, then how you act/speak, then what you are actually saying/doing.  That's at work, the gym, church, PTO or even at home. I have a friend who thinks I am completely crazy for waking up early and putting on tinted moisturizer and eyeliner as a ritual  that is just as important as brushing my teeth. But I know that when Mr. Trophy gives me my morning kiss - I want him to think I wake up that way. To her this is silly.  But waking up early also gives me time to myself.  I can have spiritual time, do yoga in a serene environment, sip a cafe' slowly, plan my day, etc.
Living Trophy can be fun - it's a matter of perspective. So I will continue to share in this blog ideas and tips on living Trophy as I am home creating the life I LOVE.

Today's Trophy Task:
Exercise... Killed it.  translation- killed my thighs in Spinning class.  But that's what you do on the journey to trophy wife.  Put in the WORK!
Not think Diet, Not think exercise - instead think Fabulous good for you food and Fabulous thinner thighs. That's what kept me going this morning and what will get me back out there tomorrow.
--Love Diva

1 comment:

  1. Yes you can truly have it all!! Taking care of Mr. Trophy, taking care of the kids, and having that trophy wife : mind, body & spirit! Take one day at a time and setting goals for yourself. Don't get discouraged when things don't go as planned, such as exercise routine: (just start where you left off, and make it happen!) Staying on Task
