Friday, January 11, 2013

Alcohol on the TWD

Everyone ask, Can I drink alcohol while dieting?  Yes, …and NO.  Yes you can – but alcohol is a processed food – so remember those fat cells are going to suck it up.  Try and go for the most unprocessed stuff – wine = grapes crushed and put in a barrel, bottled and given to you.  Stay away from lots of mixed drinks that have juice and syrups added.  
TWD TIP- I trade off, 2 glasses of wine equals 30 minutes on the treadmill.  Here is the skinny on the calorie content:

Spirits: 65 cals

6 oz glass of wine: 80-120 cals

Measure of Bailey's: 140 cals

Coolers: 200-250 (Bacardi Breezer Lite: 100cals) 

Beer: 100-250 

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